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Foden 6x6 recovery - MoD Ref: 32916

Foden 6x6 recovery - Govsales of mod surplus ex army trucks, ex army land rovers and other military vehicles for sale

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Foden 6x6 recovery - MoD Ref: 32916


Foden 6x6 RHD recovery truck fitted with EKA recovery unit, AK6500 crane, drawbar suspend tow and winching facilities, rear stabiliser hydraulic legs, front hydraulic wharton 10 ton winch and rear rotzler 25,000 kg capacity winch.

Hydraulically operated main boom incorporating folding and extending underlift.

The unit is capable of towing 30,000 kg's in a straight tow and 16,000 kg's in a suspended tow.

The max lifting capacity of the crane is 12,500 kgs.

Fuller 9 speed gearbox, diff locks, GKN hub reduction axles and transfer box.

Power assisted steering.

CATEGORY Recovery Trucks
ENGINE Perkins 290 HP turbocharged 4 stroke diesel
GEARBOX Fuller RTX 11609B 9 speed manual
TYRES 16.00 R 20
ELECTRICS 24 volts
L x W x H 9.055 M x 2.482 M x 3.35 M
GROSS WEIGHT 25,338 Kg's
All prices quoted are GBP U.K. Pounds Sterling Ex. Works excluding VAT where applicable and shipping / associated costs. Vehicles advertised are subject to remaining unsold. All prices quoted are based on "per individual unit"purchased, any reductions on advertised price for multiple item orders is subject to negotiation and is conducted at the time of inspection or provision of LOI. For complete Terms & Conditions See Main Website. Photo's shown above may represent a vehicle type rather than an actual vehicle, vehicles are available serviced and painted to customers preference. An export licence may be required for items sold to customers outside of the U.K.
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Foden 6x6 recovery
Govsales of Ex Military vehicles for sale, Ex Military Land Rovers for sale, Ex army trucks for sale, MoD Surplus, Ex MoD and NATO Disposals, Ex Military and Nato Plant and Equipment